6th Annual Weizenbaum Conference “Uncertain journeys into digital futures: Inter- and transdisciplinary research for mitigating wicked societal and environmental problems”

About the Conference:  The Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society is organizing its sixth Annual Conference on the subject of  “Uncertain journeys into digital futures: Inter- and transdisciplinary research for mitigating wicked societal and environmental problems” and invites interested scholars to submit papers and abstracts for presentations until 1 February 2024. The conference will take place at Silent Green Kulturquartier in Berlin from 17 to 18 June 2024.  The conference focuses  on the challenge of the digital transformation of society and the transformation towards sustainability are closely interlinked and crucial for prospering futures of humanity. The most pressing challenges include the protection of people, democratic institutions and the environment, as well as enabling participation in shaping changes and an inclusive and fair life. In this context, digitalisation is seen as both a saviour and a threat to sustainable development. Possible negative effects on people and the environment need also to be considered when designing and using digital technologies.


Call for Papers: https://www.weizenbaum-conference.de/call-for-papers/


  • Wann
    17.06.2024 bis 18.06.2024
  • Wo
    silent green Kulturquartier
    Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin
  • Kontakt
    Johanna Hampf conference@weizenbaum-institut.de
  • Kategorien
    Call for Papers
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