
Jahrestagung 2024

Overcoming the Divides? Towards Global Inclusivity in Communication Studies in Times of Uncertainty 

14th -15th November 2024 | Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg
Call for Papers (download below)
You will find updated conference details on the website of the Communication Studies Department: www.kowi-salzburg.at 


In times of unprecedented challenges, communication scholars need to foster a more profound understanding of what global inclusivity in their discipline means. Calls for de-westernizing or de-centering the discipline are not new: imbalances in knowledge production are well documented, in structural tangible aspects as well as intangible aspects of power and capital. Communication studies is still Western-centric and needs to break free from the epistemic confines of one-sided normativity.

Communication scholarship is beginning a much-needed shift towards more inclusivity and equality: for example, through the #CommunicationSoWhite debates and its repercussions as well as the increasing efforts by academic associations towards more inclusion. Yet even beyond well-meaning logistic steps, the epistemic contours of the field need to be pushed further.

The Annual Conference of the International and Intercultural Division of the German Association of Communication Studies (DGPuK) is the suitable community to push these debates. International and intercultural communication research can push these conversations because it engages in a global conversation and contributed to the de-westernization and decentering the discipline. Scholarship in international and intercultural communication has multi-faceted and rich research traditions that range from a micro focus on individual and interpersonal dynamics to macro approaches that include investigations of politics, societies, and cultures. Critical, international, and intersectional scholarship can counter multiple exclusions and marginalization of voices in academia. In addition, comparative approaches have the potential to enable understanding in a meaningful way that fosters decentering the field.

The Annual conference in Salzburg seeks to push global inclusivity in multicultural and globalized environments by cultivating scholarship that helps individuals to respect and appreciate the many facets of diversity.

As we navigate these pressing issues, we invite you to join us in exploring new horizons in time of multiple uncertainties. Encouraging dialogue, the annual conference by the International and Intercultural Division by the DGPuK (German Communication Association) seeks to contribute to a more profound understanding of what global inclusivity means. 


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hanan Badr
Head of Unit, Public Spheres and Inequalities                             

Thawab Hilal, MSc, MA
Senior Scientist, Public Spheres and Inequalities Unit      

Assoz. -Prof. PD Mag. Dr. Thomas Herdin
Head of Unit, Transcultural Communication

PD Dr. Mag.phil. Birgit Breninger
Deputy Head of Communication Studies Department, Transcultural Communication Unit



Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft
Rudolfskai 42
5020 Salzburg, Austria


Liste vergangener Tagungen


Salzburg 2025

Overcoming the Divides? Towards Global Inclusivity in Communication Studies in Times of Uncertainty 


Berlin 2024

Out of the Comfort Zone: Challenges of Communication Studies in the Age of New Global Realities / Raus aus der Komfortzone: Herausforderungen der Kommunikationswissenschaft im Zeitalter neuer globaler Realitäten

This conference was organized by the International and Intercultural Communication Division of the DGPuK and the DFG-network Cosmopolitan Communication Studies, which engages in a “deep” internationalization of the discipline. Therefore, the conference included different formats: 1) panels with conference papers/presentations, 2) a PhD Workshop, and 3) a public panel debate.

Berlin 2007Interkulturelle und internationale Kommunikation in Kultur, Medien, Politik, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, (Initialkonferenz)
Zwischen Babel und ‚Earth City’
Mannheim 2009Theorien der internationalen und interkulturellen Kommunikation
Bremen 2010Doing global media studies: Comparative methods of transcultural and transnational research
Erfurt 2011Beyond ‘Center’ and ‘Periphery’: (De-)Westernization in International and Intercultural Communication
Dortmund 2012Networks of transnational and transcultural communication: Concepts in theory, methodology and research
Wien/Bratislava 2013Transnational and Transcultural Communication Research in Central and Eastern Europe
Bremen 2014Diversity in Transcultural and International Communication
Dortmund 2015/16Entangled History medial gedacht, (gemeinsam mit der FG Kommunikationsgeschichte)
Berlin 2016Observer, Agitator, Target – Media and Media Assistance in Fragile Contexts, (gemeinsam mit FoME)
Erfurt 2017Lifeworld Communication and the “Global Wo/Man” – New Perspectives on the Globalization Debate

Ilmenau 2018


Journalism across Borders - The Production and 'Produsage' of News in the Era of Transnationalization, Destabilization and Algorithmization
Dortmund 2019Inter/Transnational Media Policy and Regulation in Digital Environments. Debates, Strategies, Innovations, (gemeinsam mit dem Netzwerk Medienstrukturen)
Magdeburg-Stendal 2020Medien und Ungleichheiten: (Trans-)nationale Perspektiven auf Geschlecht, Diversität und Identität
TH Köln 2022Diversity in Media Societies



CfP FG IIK DGPuK 2024 Salzburg